Category: General Supervisor's Toolkit

Supervisor's Toolkit

June 12, 2017 June 15, 2017

Cost:  $224 for RMA members *Join RMA now and receive the member discount!  To join, contact Tim Dobson at: [email protected]

To Register:   E-mail Kelsey Draper at: [email protected] to register.

The cost for this toolkit includes the four-day training, a student workbook, snacks/refreshments and lunch daily.

The Supervisor Toolkit includes:

  1. Supervision, What is it?
  2. It’s More than Administrivia
  3. Communication, Let’s Talk
  4. If it Weren’t for the People…
  5. Motivation & Performance
  6. Customer Service Triangle
  7. Leadership Tools for Success

Presenters: Kelsey Draper, University of Colorado, and Germain Costa, Utah State University

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