April 12, 2017
WYOAPPA would like to offer you all another wonderful opportunity for a drive in workshop: Furniture Workshop Flyer! This one is going to cover furniture buying, processes, types, classroom trends, technology impact and more. If you or someone you know could benefit from this send them. It is free of charge. Our presenters from Canter would also like to offer anyone that would like to come down the night before a free dinner and chance to network with others of similar interest.
The workshop will be on April 12th from 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM (Lunch provided). April 11th @ 6:00 PM if you want to join us for dinner and drinks. You will be responsible for your own accommodation. If you are planning on coming to the workshop please let Lynn Cook know. You can contact her at 307-268-2597 or email at [email protected]. Likewise if you are planning on being here the night before please RSVP.
We are hoping that you will that anyone in a position to make these kind of decisions or on a committee that is looking at purchasing furniture or building a new building will take advantage of this.
As always it is always our pleasure to reach out to the great state of Wyoming and beyond to provide educational opportunities to help us all be better equipped, better informed and better connected.
I hope to see you in April!
Pat Allen