Category: General Leadership Academy Track 4

Leadership Academy Track 4

March 12, 2018 March 16, 2018

To register, contact Layna Johnson at [email protected].

Level IV: Organizational Effectiveness Skills - A Seat The Table

One of the main objectives of the Leadership Academy is to build leadership skills into the whole organization. As we prepare and demonstrate leadership from all employees, our influence and trust will increase within our institutions. The skills we have to change and develop organizations will require us to be at the institutional decision table helping to guide and manage the assets of the institution. Level IV prepares you with the organizational skills needed to sit at the table to provide excellent learning environments.


The opening of the program will allow for the introduction of each participant while sharing of the current institutional and facilities management challenges. During this segment of the program organization of Cohort teams is established. Each team will create a name, choose a leader, a spokes person and a scribe. A review of the week-at-a-glance occurs as well as discussion of session goals and a review of previous level participation as participant questions are answered.

TCO – Total Cost of Ownership

This segment of the program will present the principles of TCO as well as examples of how these principles save time and money while increasing over-all performance. Discussions with case studies will be reviewed, sharing of results and examples of where TCO has been successful in educational workplaces demonstrating organizational impact. Cohort activities will be integrated into this area of learning.

Organizational Culture

During a 4-hour workshop format participants will be facilitated in programming by an individual who has studied the important role culture plays in the workplace. Discussion will occur around such topical questions as:

1. How do you as a member of a bigger organization impact the culture?
2. How is culture changed?
3. What about the culture of the future?
4. How do you evaluate culture and recognize it for what it is?

FMEP – Facility Management Evaluation Program

Organizational leadership excellence is the purpose of the FMEP session. Contained in the FMEP leadership tool is the leadership code for achievement of successful facilities management.

During this session participants will learn the elements of the FMEP. This includes the seven major sections and why each is important to achieve a comprehensive and integrated organizational assessment. A learning conversation will be facilitated for each of the seven major sections of the FMEP with dialogue on each section about the leader’s personal proficiency required for success.

A power-hour exercise will allow participants to perform a self-evaluation utilizing the FMEP criteria. This will provide first-hand experience in using the FMEP instrument. Each participant will do a self-assessment of their facilities organizational strengths and areas of opportunity for improvement. Results of each participant’s self-assessment will be discussed with Cohorts. The results of this will provide participants with an outline of targeted opportunities for improvement for their FM organization. Cohorts will collaboratively work on possible solutions and actions that could be taken when they return to their campus to address areas of opportunity for improvement.

Gaining Approval - Developing a Win Strategy

During a 4-hour workshop format participants will be facilitated in programming that will share the techniques and experiences in making winning situations Cohort groups will engage in activities that explore the various strategies that can be applied in real-life encounters. Discussion will occur around such topical questions as:

1. What is a Win-Win agreement look like in the real world?
2. Who needs to win?
3. How does this strategy help find a seat at the decision table?
4. Why it is it critical today?

Getting the most out of APPA’s FPI Survey and Report Tool

APPA’s Facilities Performance Indicators Survey and Report is a powerful tool for the facilities professional to use for understanding the larger campus asset realities, especially vital in our current economic environment. The session will focus on the online tool and provide an orientation to the layout, structure, and general methodology of both the survey and report. Key topics and concepts such as why it is important to participate in the survey, how to move from benchmarking to performance measurement, what support and resources are available to the participant, and how to interpret, analyze, and present your key metric report findings will be discussed. This session will also include examples of how this reporting tool is used on participant campuses.

CFaR and BOK – Center for Facility Research and Body of Knowledge

Two critical parts of growth and progression as a leader is the conduct of rigorous research for new and innovative ideas for the facilities profession. This session will explain the 4 core areas for APPA research and why these four core areas are emphasized. The kinds of research and the required steps for how it is submitted will be reviewed. Participants will also be exposed to the Body of Knowledge (BOK) which is the collected wisdom, experience, processes, and facts that both inform the profession and provide a solid foundation from which continuous improvements and innovative change can occur. Cohort groups will work on a research topic together.

Credentialing – EFP and CEFP

This session will provide a thorough review into APPA's fully developed credentialing program. The credentialing program is structured into two separate and distinct levels. The Educational Facilities Professional (EFP) level has been designed for the individual who has recently been involved with an educational environment for five years or less. The EFP offers a preparation manual and class to help participants understand the curriculum and prepare for the examination. The second tier of credentialing is the Certified Educational Facilities Professional (CEFP) which is considered desirable for those who are, and those seeking to become, higher level managers and administrators. The CEFP participants have been in the profession with at least seven years of work experience. The curriculum and criteria for the CEFP is designed to blend theory with the practical experience component.Both the EFP and CEFP require examinations for qualification. This program segment will provide an in-depth review of the CEFP study guide and will challenge participants to review a facilities related case study, with the completion of a mini CEFP-type examination. This exposure to the credentialing program is critical to educational institutions that wish to expand their capacity, knowledge and experience through professional development.

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