
New Mexico State University, in Las Cruces New Mexico, is busily preparing for this year’s Annual conference, entitled “Live, Learn, Grow”. Check out their amazing video below!

Registration is now OPEN! Register before August 1, 2024 to take advantage of the Early Bird savings rate. Go to https://rmanmsu.com/ to register – space is limited so register today!

Welcome to Rocky Mountain APPA

Rocky Mountain APPA promotes the common interests of planning, maintenance and operation of facilities within the region’s educational institutions, supports and supplements the activities of APPA, and fosters a professional spirit among those engaged in this work.

The RMA region includes the U.S. states of Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, the Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan and the Northwest Territories, and the Mexican states of Sonora, Chihuahua, Sinaloa, Durango, and Nayarit.

President’s Message

RMA President, Jessica Bradley

Hello RMA members, I hope the beginning of 2024 finds you well, and I trust that you were able to spend time with family over the holiday season. I understand how crucial it is to pause and take a break from our workplace, allowing us to re-energize for the year ahead!

The RMA Board is continuing from where we left off in 2023, working on the programming for the September 2024 RMA conference in Las Cruces, NM. In addition, we’re actively working on updating our Bylaws and Board duties so we are better aligned with APPA’s reorganized Governance structure.  

We will be publishing the proposed RMA Bylaw changes within the next month, well in advance of the electronic voting that will take place by our Institutional Representatives within the region.

Our annual Spring Board meeting is happening in late February where we will continue to fine-tune our strategic goals within membership, professional development opportunities, Board recruitment, and communications. We welcome any and all feedback on how RMA can continue to evolve and be a resource for you, so please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or any members of the Board.

This is an excellent opportunity to announce that it is the time of year when we are accepting applications for RMA scholarships. The scholarship can be utilized for professional development, either within the APPA Leadership Academy or the Institute for Facilities Management. Applications are due by March 31, 2024, and recipients will be notified in early May. If selected, the scholarship covers the registration fee for one session between June 2024 and March 2025, whether in-person or virtual. Please find below additional information and the link to the application guidelines and submission form.

In addition, I wanted to let you know that RMA continues to offer special pricing for members who are interested in obtaining their Certified Educational Facilities Professional (CEFP) credential through APPA. For more information, please visit: New Pricing for CEFP – Rocky Mountain APPA

Another benefit for all of you as members is that RMA provides an APPA Leadership Academy Rebate of $200 per participant when you host a Leadership track at your institution. Please contact Tanya Patzer at [email protected] if you are interested in learning more about this opportunity.

In closing, I wanted to express the Board’s gratitude and utmost respect to Lander Medlin, APPA International’s President and CEO. Lander is the embodiment of what APPA and its regions are all about. We wish her and her husband improved health and prosperity.

With gratitude,

Jessica Bradley

Director, Facilities Services

University of Colorado-Boulder

2023 Conference

We just want to send a quick Thank You to everyone who participated in RMA 2023!  What a great week of amazing weather, fantastic food, fun activities, enlightening presentations, and most-importantly – the awesome folks that make Rocky Mountain APPA such a great organization! A conference is only as valuable as the people who attend, and we hope everyone found value in RMA 2023. 

14’ers Program

RMA is excited to re-energize the 14’ers program.  EJ Hook, an RMA board member since 2016, is the new Lead Climber and is looking forward to meeting you all at the next conference this coming Fall.

What is the 14’ers?

Ever stare up at a mountain and wonder what it would be like to stand at the summit or enjoy the view from one of the flanks?  If you have. you likely asked someone who had already experienced the mountain for their thoughts – preparation for the climb, route choices, suggested check or rest points along the way.  14’ers is just that – partnering with a person to learn from their experiences – the Good, the Bad, the Ugly.  Stated less metaphorically, it is a mentoring program.  Learn more here:


Why 14’ers?

  • For you as a climber (AKA mentee) it is a chance to dip your toe in the water, explore the paths and opportunities to climb as high as you want to go.
  • For you as a climbing buddy (AKA mentor) it is a chance to share your passion.  And don’t be surprised if your passion is renewed, and you learn something along the way.
  • For your institution (AKA selling it to the boss).  We all talk about succession planning but is anyone really doing it?  Now you can say “Why yes, yes we are”

On a personal note – I am a “graduated”14’er having completed my climb some years ago.  In pursuit of the summit, I honed my existing skills, added some new ones and, in doing so, added both depth and breadth to my understanding and knowledge base. More importantly I got out of my “box”, met a lot of people, built some lifelong connections. My career path was directly influenced by my participation and the friends and partnerships I made, and continue to make, were worth the effort alone.

Open RMA Board of Directors Positions

Annual Meeting Coordinator, 3-year term

President-Elect, 3-year committment

Awards and Recognition Chair, 3-year term

Please go to our Board of Directors Description page for information on each of the positions. You can also check out the RMA By-Laws for more detailed information.

Please send any questions to [email protected].  If you are interested in any position please submit the RMA Board Application form and a letter of support from your institution to [email protected]

Webinars and Training